The University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) welcomes students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors who have disabilities and wish to participate in the academic endeavors, professional opportunities, and campus events available in our community. In a collaborative effort to share campus resources for and about people with disabilities, the following links are provided to encourage all campus partners and constituents to engage in UC San Diego programs and activities.
Office for Students with Disabilities
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at UC San Diego works with students with documented disabilities to determine reasonable accommodations.
Faculty & Staff with Disabilities
Find out about UC San Diego's employee support resources for disabilities and rehabilitation.
News & Events
Stay up to date and learn how you can be involved with UCSD's accessibility community.
UC San Diego's Accessibility Efforts
Learn more about UC San Diego's Accessibility Efforts and quarterly updates.
Why Captions Are Essential
This entry in the Accessibility Awareness video series provides a brief overview of why captions are an essential component of both live and asynchronous media.
Watch a video tutorial outlining the importance of captioning your content
Improving Access
UC San Diego strives to provide inclusive, safe, and seamless access to campus facilities and services to everyone regardless of age, ability, or proficiency level.
Accessible Event Planning Guide
Making your event accessible to all participants supports UC San Diego’s mission of equity, diversity, and inclusion. For individuals with disabilities, accessibility means an event that is free from physical, electronic, and attitudinal barriers. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with basic information as you plan your event, using Universal Design principles for learning and instruction.